They Want to Buy From You

Something we all need to remember — prospects want to buy from you.  They want you to have what they need.  People hunger for solutions to their problems.  They want products and services that help them save time, make money, smell nicer, win games, see farther, understand more, do their jobs better.  Offer something they need and you can convert a sale.

Easier said than done, though, right?  The challenge is to understand what your market truly wants from you.  Only one way to do that — ask them.  Don’t assume you already know.  Take your knowledge and insight and test it in the marketplace.  Run surveys, conduct interviews, offer samples, attend events and observe what people talk about or complain about or keep asking about.  Monitor the chatmosphere.  Look for the trends in society and your business.

Then take action.  Morph your product or create a new one that matches what the market wants.  Make your sales arguments showing you listened and that you’ve delivered.  If you’ve done your job, the sale will follow.   The market wants you to succeed.  And they’re willing to help you.  Get out there and ask them!